Superlaties on Stranger Things, Suicide Squad, The Walking Dead Season 6, and DAREDEVIL

This super-late podcast had to be recorded twice, because the first one (which Rhiannon recorded while drinking rum in Louisiana instead of seeing Suicide Squad) magically disappeared. We promise that this version is much better than those exhausted ramblings.

Because of the delay, Shelby has now seen Suicide Squad. She doesn’t want to bash anybody’s art, but she has a really had time finding anything nice to say… and she spends a long time trying.

However, the Laties do have something they enjoy, and that’s Netflix’s Stranger Things. It’s wonderful and enjoyable and if you haven’t watched it yet, we really don’t know what to tell you.

Also awesome? The new Walking Dead trailer.

We discussed The Walking Dead trailer

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Superlaties episode if we didn’t bring it back to Daredevil. The Laties talked about Daredevil #09, where Spider-Man and Daredevil had escapades for reasons nobody gets to know. It took over two weeks for Shelby’s print subscription to get to her, so she’s not bitching, but she’s bitching. Somebody go start a comic book shop in Shelby’s town, so that she can read these faster!

In order to cheer themselves up, Shelby and Rhi decided to read the Waid/Samnee run, but Rhiannon started with Reborn, which is awesome.

Shelby is also reading the Frank Miller run.

What will we talk about next time? Who knows!



Written by Rhiannon

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